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Ór is a program that will allow you to produce results from an orienteering event. It is usually used for with SPORTident but has also been used for “punch” events.

Features of Ór

  • Ór can be used with or without SPORTident.
  • Ór is intuitive to use.
  • Unlike other software for SPORTident, Ór is designed to be used in “Entry on the Day” and Colour Coded events as well as Championship type, Class based events.
  • Ór handles normal, cross-country, Scatter, Score or Relay events.
  • For small events, one person can handle Entries, Start and Finish.
  • Ór produces results in HTML format, ready for publication on the web.
  • Ór produces Split results in HTML and CSV format for publishing on the web or uploading to Winsplits.
  • Ór can print normal results or full split time results.
  • Ór can show results live on a separate monitor. This gives the most up-to-date results and removed the need to print results.
  • Ór can show results (almost) live on the internet.
  • Ór is being developed for Irish orienteering, so you can request new features, (though there's no guarantee that you'll get them).
  • Ór has a Simulator which allows you to get used to using it without needing any SPORTident equipment.
  • Ór will automatically check for updates when it is launched. You can be sure that you are using the most up-to-date version of Ór and IOA Archive.
  • Ór can automatically produce individual split sheets as competitors download. It can also show the same information on a Download Screen to help diagnose any problems.
  • Ór can import course information from OCAD or other Course Design Tools.
  • Ór can upload results to orienteering.ie easily. It can also automatically create a RouteGadget event.
  • Ór can download and use the most up-to-date version of the IOA SPORTident Archive. This speeds up data entry.
  • Ór can allocate start times in pre-entry events.
  • Ór can handle multi-day events
  • Oh, did I mention it's free?


New in 4.3.7

Import from Purple Pen menu added to simplify the process.
Some improvements with the Startlist edit screen
Compatible with Open Webstart and OpenJDK. Also newer versions of Java.

New in 4.3.6

New in 4.3.5

New in 4.3.4

New in 4.3.3

New in 4.3.2

New in 4.3.1

New in 4.3

New in 4.2.1

New in 4.2.0

New in 4.1.9

New in 4.1.8

New in 4.1.7

New in 4.1.6

New in 4.1.5

New in 4.1.4

New in 4.1.3

New in 4.1.2

New in 4.1.1

New in 4.1

New in 4.0.4

New in 4.0.3

New in 4.0.1 & 4.0.2

New in 4.0

New in 3.3

New in 3.2.1

New in 3.2

New in 3.1

New in 3.0.3

New in 3.0.2

New in 3.0.1

New in 3.0

New in 2.3.2

New in 2.3

New in 2.3


What will Ór not do?

  • Ór is a results program, not an event management program. It does not collate entry forms, print envelope stickers, produce start lists, produce control descriptions or any of the myriad of functions that other programs can perform. It only produces results!
  • Ór cannot program the SPORTident control boxes. You still need SIManager or SIConfig (free from SPORTident) for that. Thankfully, you should never have to get involved with that any more.
  • Ór is designed for events with relatively small numbers of competitors - hundreds rather than thousands.


System Requirements

  • Ór requires Windows, Linux or Mac OS(x86).
  • Ór requires Java 1.7 or better. See the downloads page for details on getting Java.
  • Ór has been tested on a single processor 2GHz machine with 512M of RAM.
  • Ór on Windows requires the correct SPORTident driver. See the downloads page for details.

If you have any questions or problems, email webmaster@orienteering.ie and I will help if I can.  Please note that Ór is free software and comes with no warranty.