Word | Definition |
acetabuliform | shaped like a shallow cup or saucer |
acicular | needle-shaped |
acinaciform | scimitar-shaped |
aciniform | shaped like a berry |
aculeiform | shaped like a thorn |
adeniform | shaped like a gland |
aduncate | shaped like a hook or crook |
aeriform | of the form or shape of gas; gaseous |
aliform | wing-shaped |
allantoid | shaped like a sausage |
amygdaloid | almond-shaped; of, like or pertaining to tonsils |
ancistroid | hook-shaped |
ancoral | of, shaped like or resembling an anchor |
anguiform | shaped like a snake |
anguilliform | shaped like an eel |
ankyroid | hook-shaped |
annodated | shaped like the letter S |
ansate | having a handle or hand-like shape |
apsidal | shaped like an apse |
aquiform | watery; liquid |
araneiform | shaped like a spider |
arborescent | branched; branching; tree-shaped |
arboriform | shaped like a tree |
arcate | bow-shaped |
arciform | shaped like a bow |
arcuate | arched; bow-shaped |
arietinous | shaped like a ram's head |
aspergilliform | shaped like a brush |
aspidate | shield-shaped |
auriform | shaped like an ear |
aveniform | shaped like oats |
axiniform | shaped like an axe-head |
bacciform | shaped like a berry |
baculiform | rod-shaped |
balanoid | acorn-shaped |
belemnoid | shaped like a dart |
beloid | shaped like an arrow |
belonoid | shaped like a needle |
boniform | having the form of good |
boviform | cow-shaped |
branchiform | gill-shaped |
buccinal | shaped or sounding like a trumpet |
bufoniform | shaped like a toad |
bulliform | shaped like a blister or boil |
bursiform | shaped like a pouch or purse |
calathiform | cup-shaped |
calcariform | spur-shaped |
calceiform | shaped like a slipper |
calciform | pebble-shaped |
campaniform | bell-shaped |
campanulate | shaped like a bell |
cancriform | shaped like a crab |
cannular | hollow or tube-shaped |
capriform | goatlike |
cardioid | heart-shaped |
carinated | shaped like the prow or keel of a ship |
cariniform | keel-shaped |
cassideous | helmet-shaped |
caudiform | tail-like; tail-shaped |
cauliform | shaped like or resembling a stem |
ceratoid | shaped like a horn; horny |
cheliform | shaped like a pincer |
choanoid | shaped like a funnel |
cingular | shaped like a girdle or ring |
circinate | ring-shaped; rolled inwards; spiralling |
clathrate | shaped like a net or lattice |
clavate | club-shaped |
claviform | in the shape of a club |
clithridiate | shaped like a keyhole |
clypeate | shaped like a buckler |
cochlear | anything spiral-shaped; twisted spirally |
coliform | resembling or shaped like a sieve |
colliform | shaped like or resembling a neck |
colubriform | shaped like a snake |
conchiform | shaped like a shell |
conglobate | shaped like a small ball or globe |
coracoid | shaped like a crow's beak |
cordate | heart-shaped |
cordiform | heart-shaped |
corniculate | horn-shaped; horned |
corniform | shaped like a horn |
coronoid | shaped like a beak |
corviform | shaped like a crow |
cotyliform | disc-shaped with a raised rim |
crateriform | cup-shaped |
cribriform | shaped like a sieve |
cricoid | ring-shaped |
cruciform | cross-shaped |
cteniform | comb-shaped |
cubiform | shaped like a cube |
cucullate | hooded; hood-shaped |
cucumiform | cucumber-shaped |
culiciform | like or resembling a mosquito |
cultriform | knife-shaped |
cumuliform | shaped like a heap |
cuneate | wedge-shaped |
cuneiform | shaped like a wedge |
cupulate | of, like or pertaining to a cup; cup-shaped |
cyathiform | shaped like a cup |
cymbiform | shaped like a boat |
deiform | appearing like or shaped like a god |
deltoid | shaped like a delta or triangle |
dendriform | shaped like a tree |
dendritiform | branched |
dentiform | shaped like a tooth |
digitiform | shaped like a finger |
disciform | round or oval in shape |
dolabriform | resembling a hatchet or cleaver |
dolioform | shaped like a barrel |
draconiform | shaped like a dragon |
drepaniform | shaped like a sickle |
echinuliform | resembling small spines |
embryoniform | shaped like an embryo |
ensiform | resembling or possessing characteristics of a sword |
eruciform | like or resembling a caterpillar |
fabiform | shaped like a bean |
falciform | shaped like a sickle |
faviform | shaped like a honeycomb |
feliform | having a catlike form or shape |
fibriform | shaped like a fibre |
fibrilliform | shaped like a small fibre |
ficiform | shaped like a fig |
filiciform | shaped like a fern or frond |
filiform | shaped like a thread |
fistuliform | shaped like a pipe |
flabelliform | shaped like a fan |
flagelliform | shaped like a whip |
floriform | shaped like a flower |
foliform | shaped like a leaf |
forcipiform | shaped like forceps |
foveiform | shaped like a depression or pit |
fringilliform | resembling a finch |
fucoid | shaped like seaweed |
fulciform | shaped like or resembling a prop |
fundiform | shaped like a sling |
fungiform | shaped like a fungus |
furcular | shaped like a fork |
fusiform | shaped like a spindle |
galeated | shaped like a helmet |
galeiform | shaped like a helmet |
gasiform | of the form or shape of gas |
geminiform | paired; double |
gladiate | shaped like a sword |
glandiform | gland-shaped; acorn-shaped |
glenoid | slightly cupped; socket-shaped |
gliriform | resembling a rodent |
guttiform | shaped like a drop |
hamiform | shaped like a hook |
harengiform | shaped like a herring |
hastate | spear-shaped |
hederiform | shaped like ivy |
helicoid | screw-shaped; like a coil |
helminthoid | worm-shaped |
herpetiform | resembling or shaped like a reptile |
hippocrepian | horseshoe-shaped |
hippocrepiform | shaped like a horseshoe |
homaloidal | of the nature of a plane; flat; plane-shaped |
hominiform | shaped like a human |
hordeiform | shaped like a barleycorn |
hyoid | having a "U" shape |
hypsiloid | shaped like the Greek letter upsilon |
ichthyomorphic | shaped like a fish |
igniform | having the shape or form of fire |
infundibuliform | having the form or shape of a funnel or cone |
janiform | having two faces |
lacertiform | shaped like a lizard |
lachrymiform | shaped like a tear |
laciniform | shaped like a fringe |
lageniform | shaped like a flask |
lambdoid | shaped like the letter lambda (^) or �L� |
lamelliform | shaped like a plate or layer |
lanceolate | shaped like a lance-head |
lanciform | shaped like a lance |
lapilliform | shaped like a small stone |
lentiform | shaped like a lens |
leporiform | resembling or shaped like a hare |
libriform | shaped like a book |
ligniform | of the form or shape of wood |
ligulate | resembling or shaped like a strap |
limaciform | slug-like |
linguiform | shaped like a tongue |
lobular | shaped like a lobe |
luciform | like light |
lumbriciform | shaped like a worm; worm-like |
lunate | crescent-shaped |
lunulate | shaped like a small crescent |
lupiform | shaped like a wolf |
lyrate | lyre-shaped |
malleiform | shaped like a hammer |
mammiform | shaped like a breast |
mammiliform | shaped like a nipple |
mammose | shaped like a breast |
mandibuliform | shaped like a mandible or jaw-bone |
maniform | having the shape of a hand |
manubrial | shaped like a handle |
medusiform | resembling a jellyfish |
menisciform | shaped like a crescent |
mitrate | shaped like a mitre or bonnet |
mitriform | mitre-shaped |
molariform | shaped like a molar |
moniliform | shaped like a string of beads |
montiform | shaped like a mountain |
morbilliform | like or resembling measles |
moriform | shaped like a mulberry |
mucroniform | like, having or resembling a sharp point |
muriform | resembling a mouse or rat |
muscariform | shaped like a brush |
napiform | shaped like a turnip |
nariform | shaped like the nostrils |
nasutiform | shaped like a nose |
natiform | shaped like buttocks |
navicular | boat-shaped |
naviform | boat-shaped |
nephroid | kidney-shaped |
neuralgiform | like or shaped like a nerve |
nubiform | cloudlike |
nuciform | shaped like a nut |
nummiform | shaped like a coin |
oculiform | shaped like an eye |
olivary | olive-shaped |
oliviform | shaped like an olive |
omegoid | shaped like a horseshoe or omega |
ooidal | egg-shaped |
ophiomorphic | shaped like a snake |
oriform | shaped like a mouth |
ostreiform | shaped like an oyster |
oviform | like a sheep |
oviform | shaped like an oval or egg |
ovopyriform | having a shape between a pear and an egg |
palaceous | spade-shaped |
paliform | shaped like a stake |
palmate | hand-shaped |
pampiniform | like a tendril |
panduriform | fiddle-shaped |
papilliform | nipple-shaped |
paraboliform | shaped like a parabola |
patelliform | shaped like a saucer or kneecap |
pateriform | saucer-shaped |
pectiniform | shaped like a comb |
pediform | shaped like a foot |
pelecoid | shaped like a hatchet; a hatchet-shaped geometrical figure |
peltastiform | shield-shaped |
pelviform | basin-shaped |
pencilliform | paintbrush-shaped |
penniform | feather-shaped |
phacoid | lens-shaped |
phialiform | saucer-shaped |
phylliform | shaped like a leaf |
piciform | of the form or shape of a woodpecker |
piciform | of the nature of or resembling pitch |
pileated | cap-shaped; crested; capped |
pileiform | shaped like an umbrella |
piliform | shaped like hair |
pineal | shaped like a pine-cone |
pinnate | shaped like a feather |
pisciform | shaped like a fish |
pisiform | shaped like a pea |
placentiform | cake-shaped |
plataleiform | spoonbilled; of the shape of a spoonbill |
plexiform | shaped like a network |
poculiform | cup-shaped |
podiform | shaped like a pod |
pomiform | shaped like an apple |
poriform | having the form of a pore |
probosciform | shaped like a long nose |
pugioniform | dagger-shaped |
pulvilliform | shaped like a cushion |
punctiform | shaped like a point |
pyrgoidal | tower-shaped |
pyriform | shaped like a pear |
radiciform | like a root |
raduliform | like a rasp or file |
ramiform | branching; shaped like branches |
raniform | frog-like |
remiform | oar-shaped |
reniform | shaped like a kidney |
restiform | shaped like a cord |
retiform | shaped like a net |
rhamphoid | hooked beak shaped |
rhipidate | fan-shaped |
rhomboid | shaped like a parallelogram |
riziform | shaped like a grain of rice |
rostelliform | shaped like a small beak |
ruiniform | having the form or appearance of ruins |
sacciform | shaped like a sac |
sacculiform | shaped like a small sac |
sagittal | shaped like an arrow |
sagittiform | shaped like an arrowhead |
salpiform | shaped like a barrel |
scalariform | shaped like a ladder |
scalpeliform | shaped like a scalpel |
scalpriform | shaped like a chisel |
scaphoid | boat-shaped |
scapiform | shaped like a stalk |
sciuroid | shaped like a squirrel�s tail |
scrotiform | shaped like a pouch |
scutellate | shaped like a platter |
scutiform | shaped like a shield |
scyphiform | shaped like a cup |
securiform | shaped like an axe |
selliform | shaped like a saddle |
semilunate | shaped like a half-moon |
septiform | shaped like a partition |
serratiform | saw-shaped; serriform |
serriform | saw-shaped |
setiform | shaped like a bristle |
sigmate | shaped like an S or a sigma |
sigmoid | S-shaped |
siphoniform | shaped like a siphon |
soleiform | slipper-shaped |
soliform | sun-like; resembling the sun |
spadiceous | shaped like a palm branch |
spatulate | shaped like a spatula |
sphenoid | wedge-shaped |
spicaceous | shaped like a spike |
spiniform | like a thorn or spine |
spiraliform | shaped like a spiral |
squaliform | shaped like a shark |
squamiform | shaped like a scale |
stalactiform | shaped like a stalactite or icicle |
stapediform | shaped like a stirrup |
stellate | star-shaped; starry |
stelliform | shaped like a star |
stipiform | shaped like a stalk |
stirious | shaped like an icicle |
stratiform | layered; forming a layer |
strigiform | shaped like an owl |
strombuliform | shaped like a spinning top; spirally twisted |
struthiform | ostrich-like |
styliform | shaped like a bristle |
subulate | awl-shaped |
sudiform | shaped like a stake |
sulciform | having the shape of a groove |
taenioid | of a ribbon-like shape |
tauriform | having the form of a bull |
tauromorphous | bull-shaped |
tectiform | shaped like a roof |
theiform | of the form of tea |
toroid | shaped like a doughnut or anchor-ring |
trinacriform | three-pronged |
trochiform | shaped like a spinning-top |
tuberiform | shaped like a lump or protuberance |
tubiform | shaped like a tube |
turbinate | shaped like a top or inverted cone |
turriform | shaped like a tower |
tympaniform | drum-like; shaped like a drum |
umbiliciform | shaped like a navel |
umbraculiform | shaped like an umbrella |
unciform | shaped like a hook |
unguiform | shaped like a claw |
urceiform | shaped like a pitcher |
urceolate | shaped like a pitcher |
ursiform | having the shape or appearance of a bear |
utriculiform | shaped like a small cavity or sac |
utriform | shaped like a leather bottle or flask |
uvelloid | resembling a small cluster of grapes |
variform | of various forms |
vasculiform | shaped like a small vase or flowerpot |
vasiform | shaped like a duct or vase |
vergiform | shaped like a rod |
vermiform | shaped like a worm |
verruciform | shaped like a wart; wartlike |
versiform | changing in form |
villiform | of the form or shape of velvet |
viperiform | shaped like a snake or viper |
vitriform | of the form or shape of glass |
vulviform | shaped like an oval or a vulva |
xiphoid | sword-shaped |
ypsiliform | shaped like an upsilon |
zosteriform | shaped like a girdle |